Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29
Top 10 resources
- 1 Furanoeremophilane derivatives from Psacalium beamanii
- 1 Further galphimines from a new population of Galphimia glauca
- 1 Hongos endófitos: una alternativa biológica para el manejo de nematodos fitoparásitos
- 1 Hypoglycaemic and antioxi- dant effects of propolis of Chihuahua in a model of expe- ri...
- 1 Lewis acid-catalyzed transformations of Z-ligustilide
- 1 Masticadienonic and 3 alpha-OH masticadienoic acids induce apop- tosis and inhibit cell...
- 1 Medicinal plants of Oaxaca, Mexico: ethnobotany and antibacterial activity
- 1 Mexican propolis: a source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, and isolati...
- 1 Morfo-anatomía del ciclo de vida del helecho Pteridium aquilinum (Dennstaedtiaceae) en...
- 1 New bioactive derivatives of xanthorrhizol
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